Custom Name Painting
Custom name paintings. 4"x12" - Leave the name in the notes at check out. If you have color preferences let me know those in the notes as well!
Forest Silhouette Painting II
4" x 12" canvas with forest silhouette painted over a green gradient of color. Perfect for your office or bedroom. Acrylic painted canvas.
Higgins Lake Silhouette Painting
Painting based on a photo my mother sent in November 2022.
16" x 20" canvas painting. Acrylic paint.
A beautiful piece for any room in your home or cottage on the lake.
Leo Full Moon
Glow in the dark top layer. Acrylic on canvas. Inspired by the 2020 Leo Full Moon.
Table Top Tomato Paiting
A bright painting of tomatoes grown in my Detroit patio garden over the summer 2022.
16" X 20" canvas painted with acrylic and paint marker.
Joyous Leaves
Assorted Acrylic Paints with glimmering glitter coated leaves. 9 inches by 12 inches. Painted by Citrine.
Sprinkle of Love
Assorted Acrylic paints with splashes of glitter in this bubbling heart painting. 9 inches by 12 inches. Painted by Citrine.
Flamingo Dream
Decorate your home with vibrant playful colors!
Sparkly flamingo wall art, 6 inches x 6 inches.
Acrylic paint and glitter on canvas.
Flamingos are a symbol of community and socializing - something we are all working toward and is deeply needed right now amidst a global pandemic with gigantic shut downs on top of countless blatant murders by the hands of humans using weapons, which in my opinion should be abolished.. (but that is a topic of discussion which I will be speaking more on with the repurposed bullet shell charms.) We are more powerful together! Flamingos are social by nature, flocking together in groups by the thousand, and then dancing together in harmony. This is a powerful natural phenomenon which humans practice as well. So it is no surprise the flamingo is popping into my dreams to remind me of the importance of socialization, community, and dance.
In tandem, flamingo necks remind me of two distinct symbols - the Heart and Infinity. When these pink birds put their heads together it makes a heart and an infinity symbol. Pretty poetic if you think about it. When we use our hearts possibilities are infinite. I do love the vibrant colors of their feathers too. I hope these paintings bring you a dose of vibrant love that lasts forever. These are my two pieces for #lockdownexhibition6
Flamingo Love
Decorate your home with vibrant playful colors!
Sparkly flamingo wall art, 6 inches x 6 inches.
Acrylic paint and glitter on canvas.
The eye is a faceted citrine bead.
Flamingos are a symbol of community and socializing - something we are all working toward and is deeply needed right now amidst a global pandemic with gigantic shut downs on top of countless blatant murders by the hands of humans using weapons, which in my opinion should be abolished.. (but that is a topic of discussion which I will be speaking more on with the repurposed bullet shell charms.) We are more powerful together! Flamingos are social by nature, flocking together in groups by the thousand, and then dancing together in harmony. This is a powerful natural phenomenon which humans practice as well. So it is no surprise the flamingo is popping into my dreams to remind me of the importance of socialization, community, and dance.
In tandem, flamingo necks remind me of two distinct symbols - the Heart and Infinity. When these pink birds put their heads together it makes a heart and an infinity symbol. Pretty poetic if you think about it. When we use our hearts possibilities are infinite. I do love the vibrant colors of their feathers too. I hope these paintings bring you a dose of vibrant love that lasts forever. These are my two pieces for #lockdownexhibition6